I jest of course, but seriously though, June is the time when the schools get out and graduations commence. This past Thursday my baby brother graduated from high school, I couldn't even cry this time like I did for my little sister, because I was just so proud of him. He was such a pain trying to get him to do his school work, but in the end he finished Cum Laude and won various department awards. The fact that he was the last to graduate from the same high school as my sister & I only made the ceremony all the more special for our family.
Then there was Father's day on Sunday, who doesn't love to celebrate their father or father figure in their life. I love my papa, he is seriously the most selfless, loving, and understanding man on the planet and I could never hope to have a better dad. Sadly Father's day for my family on my dad's side will always be a bit hard to celebrate, since my cousin passed away two years ago this past Thursday from a 5 year on and off again battle with cancer. His passing was(is) still hard for my family as it was around Father's Day, so my beloved grandpa, who was basically his father, takes my cousins passing very hard this time of year. We all try extra hard to keep everyone happy around this week, especially my grandpa. And what better way to occupy ones mind than to enjoy America's favorite past time, baseball.
So off we went to spend a hot afternoon amidst a full crowd in the glorious old stadium in L.A. cheering on the Dodgers. My family ate delicious sandwiches from our favorite family deli, drank ice cold lemonade and soda, had some good old peanuts and witnessed a loss . . . again. I swear I never see a win but at least this time I got to watch two home runs back to back and had my family laughing at the fact I may be a jinx. I'm still holding on to the claim that I'm not a jinx, buuut thus far the record is not in my favor.
Either way this past week has reminded me to make every moment count and enjoy my time spent with family. I miss my cousin and I know that he would have enjoyed watching the game with all of us. So us going out and having fun with him on our minds makes him live on and not forgotten, because he will always be a part of our lives in some ways, even though he is no longer with us. All that to say June may be a bit gloomy at times but then sun will still come out to shine; And when it does you'd better go out hit the beach, park, lake anywhere you can to make memories with friends and family, because that's what truly matters in life.
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