(After Light Saga Book #3)
by Cameo Renae
**Note NOT A Stand Alone**
**Note NOT A Stand Alone**
Release Date: June 19, 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Post-Apocalyptic,
Dystopian, and Romance . . . with a twist.
Book Price: $3.99 (at time of post)Dystopian, and Romance . . . with a twist.
Book Link: Click Here
Book Blurb:
Arriving at the new government bunker, things quickly go from bad to worse. I am separated from Finn and my family because of my ability to connect with Arvies through telepathy. Housed with three other Readers—and kept away from the general population—we are given serum injections in effort to enhance our thought transference. The end goal? Thought manipulation.
We are considered humanity’s only
hope in the war against the Arvy race.
hope in the war against the Arvy race.
With the ever growing threat of an invasion, the government demands results from the Reader program by doling out ultimatums, and using our loved ones against us.
But they will not break me.
My name is Abigail Park.
I am intransigent.
I am intransigent.
Page Count: 186 pages
Listed Rating: 

. 9
Price I Paid: **I received a free copy in return for an honest review**
My Rating: 

My Thoughts: In Transition And Stronger Than Ever
This third installment is amazing and thrilling as readers continue to be engaged in the saga of Abi's fight for not only survival but a place to call home. Cameo Renae has built an epic dystopian world where the earth is destroyed and being ravaged by inhuman beings, but it's the humans trying to survive that are the real "creatures" of story who bring emotions that make you cry, laugh, hold your breath and say a prayer hoping they all make it through.
Having narrowly escaped Sanctum and losing a few good men including a dear friend. Abi is happy to be reunited with her father, but is extremely hesitant concerning the new government bunker they will be heading into. When Abi mentions her moment of connection with the Arvies, the soldiers flag her as a Reader. Abi is set apart in a special program designed by the bunker leaders to have those with power of telepathy trained to use their power over the Arvies. The Readers in this new bunker are a small group, and Abi is by far the strongest. Abi wants nothing more than her dream of finding a piece of land and living her life with Finn and her family. However, with the Arvies outnumbering the humans the bunker leaders begin pushing the Readers. Secrets and deceit become apparent to Abi and she finds herself having to do what she must to save those she loves and gets them to safety, because the safety of the bunker may not be what it promised.
Overall, Abi is crazy strong! This story was all about her and how she needed to become something more to save herself and her loved ones. The last two books, mainly the last book, seemed to be centered on Abi and Finn, but this book was focused mainly on Abi and how she is changing, figuratively and literally. Abi is a different girl from anyone who would read these novels, but having her find strength through her fears is something readers can admire and connect with. I seriously can't wait for the next book (or books) to see how it all plays out, because it must have an ending and a good one at that, I just couldn't take anymore heartbreak if anyone *cough Finn, weren't to survive.
Also ....
"ARV-3" (Book 1)
Also ....
"ARV-3" (Book 1)
Price: $2.99 (at time of post)
Published Date & Page Count: December 31 2013. pages 316.
Published Date & Page Count: December 31 2013. pages 316.
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

. 3
Price I Paid: $0 (got it FREE on June 25, 2015)
My Rating: 

My "Quick" Thoughts: Action Packed, Heart Pounding Craziness!
Abigail Park is the craziest female Arvie Killer! The girl can shoot like no other and it's great reading about her transition from bunker to topside. It's hard to imagine living your life in a bunker for 13yrs than moving to a desolate earth where you have to fight to survive. Arvies are scary beasts that I would definitely not survive, but I would so wish I had a family member like Abi on my side with her friend Hellfire of course. This book and series is definitely one of my favs now, it's too gripping not to enjoy it has fast paced action and great characters.
"Sanctum" (Book 2)
Price: $3.99 (at time of post)
Published Date & Page Count: July 23, 2014. pages 318.
Published Date & Page Count: July 23, 2014. pages 318.
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

. 8
Price I Paid: $0- Reason: I rented the ebook
using my Kindle Unlimited Subscription
using my Kindle Unlimited Subscription
My Rating: 

My "Quick" Thoughts: Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
Poor Abi and Finn just can't catch a break! Just as they are flying away to freedom of a promised new bigger and "better" bunker. Things just go wrong and then get really bad. Great part is Finn and Abi share a lot of really cute moments that just make you sigh and go aawww. I seriously think their song should be "Rather Be" by Clean Bandit, I could totally see them taking out Arvies while singing it to each other all dramatic like. Seriously though this story is just as action packed as the first and leads to more in the series. Warning you will laugh, sigh, and cry.
Cameo Renae
Voted 2013 Break Out Author by Young Adult & Teen Readers, and 2013 Book of the Year (Hidden Wings).
Cameo Renae was born in San Francisco, raised in Maui, Hawaii, and recently moved with her husband and children to Alaska.
She's a daydreamer, a caffeine and peppermint addict, loves to laugh, loves to read, and loves to escape reality. One of her greatest joys is creating fantasy worlds filled with adventure and romance, and sharing it with others.
One day she hopes to find her own magic wardrobe, and ride away on her magical unicorn.
Until then...she'll keep writing!
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