Genre: Romantic Comedy, Woman's Fiction.
Price: N/A (at time of post)
Goodreads Link: Click Here
Price: N/A (at time of post)
Goodreads Link: Click Here

Maggie Moore is leaving small-town south Georgia behind to embrace adulthood on her own in big-city Atlanta.
Finding inspiration in the unique people she’s met covering obscure sporting events, Maggie decides it’s time to fill her life with adventure – just as soon as she figures out how to cut ties with good ol’ Murphy, and his pesky laws, once and for all.
Naturally, the universe has different plans.
Before she even sets out to cover her next big story, Maggie is bombarded with old wounds and new insecurities, forcing her to choose between the reality in front of her and the promise of a dream just out of reach.
Channeling the hard-fought lessons of her Dad, Maggie struggles against the seemingly insurmountable force that is her troublesome partner, learning the hard way that things are never as easy as you think they’ll be.


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