Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Mystery, Thriller. 249 pages.
Price: $0.99 ebook (at time of post)
Publisher & Date: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. October 8, 2014.
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

. 8
Price I Paid: $0.99 on December 26, 2014
My Rating: 

My Thoughts: Beautifully Crafted Tragic Read
Keep tissues handy, because Amber Garza knows how to craft a beautiful yet tragic story of love and its complexities. A reader is pulled in from the start by a narrative of a journal narrative, but is then shuffled through other characters perspectives to enhance the stories emotions. I couldn't stop reading even when the inevitable ending drew near.
Centered around the tragedy of Jackson's death, everyone is asking the question of what happened? The person most important to him and the biggest suspect, Piper, his girlfriend. Piper awakens in a hospital with injuries and no memory of what may have happen to Jackson and piece it together is her her priority. As things slowly start to unfold it's clear that Jackson was not the only victim in the story and that the relationship between he and Piper may not have been as health as it should have been.
Overall, great emotional book that drew me in from page one and had me crying about page 20. Tragic is the best word to describe this book. Jackson and Piper were so in love that it became unhealthy and turned their lives sour. Sadly I've seen this happen and it's horrible, so to read this novel and practically feel the emotions of the couple it becomes real for you too. Jackson's life is to be learned from as well as Piper's, so that teens, and adults too, find love in healthy circumstances not overly dependent self destructive ways. I commend Amber Garza for writing such an emotional book as it touched on a lot of subjects for teens that not many write on. So if you are up for a beautiful tragic read about the pitfalls of unhealthy relationships, bullying and teen suicide all paralleled along side the play of Romeo and Juliet, than definitely read this book and share with those who need this book.
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