Genre: Fantasy, Coming of Age, Fiction, Contemporary Romance, 346 pages
Price: $ 4.99 ebook, $12.49 paperback (at time of post)
Publisher & Date: sold by Amazon Digital Services, Inc. December 1, 2013
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

Price I Paid: $2.99 on December 2, 2013
My Rating: 

Links to each novel separately:
Before (A Prequel Novella): Click Here
Betwixt: Click Here
Beyond (A Novella): Click Here
My Thoughts: "Before, Betwixt, Beyond" Beautiful Books
I'm extremely happy I invested in the Omnibus collection as this series really needs to be read all the way through from Before, Betwixt (between) and Beyond. I had thought of reading the Before book since it's the sequel but I'm so happy I read the collection as the author decisively bundled the books. This book is all about grace, redemption, the choices you make and their affect not only on you but those around you.
The main characters are Nicole "Nicky" Tepper and Dale Finnigan, who reside in Big Bear, California. Nicole is quickly shown to be in an accident and badly hurt. Things take a supernatural turn and she finds herself between death and life, but still earth locked for the moment. Nicole can only be heard by only one person and it's the one person she's been avoiding the one she nicknamed Scarfaced, Dale. Despite their strange social history Dale helps Nicky. The two become close and form a bond that both hope to pursue later, as long as they can find Nicky's body before it's too late to help her.
Nicky is the epitome of damaged self esteem peer pressured high school mean girl. Her past is what made her into the girl she is and the people Nicky hangs around with only encourage her self destructive behavior. Only Dale sees that she could be more and wants her to try to be more. All Dale wants is a chance to help her like he was helped when he too found him self lost on a destructive path. Dale and Nicky are made for each other end of story. However it's their journey to understanding second chances in life are not to be waisted especially when you think you don't deserve them, which makes this book so poignant and beautiful.
Overall, this book was wonderful to read and I totally cried. The saving grace of getting a second chance in life is a rarity, but being gifted something so precious needs to be taken and run with not squandered. Dale took his and made a change, eventually he was there to help Nicky make her life more too. Grace is simply something no one deserves but is something that is freely given to us, and it's just heartbreaking when people reject the gift of grace. Life itself is a gift of grace and this book reminded me of that and I will definitely remember this book for the rest of my life.
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