Genre: Young Adult, Coming of Age, SciFi, Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Folklore, Paranormal. 265 pages
Price: $0 FREE (at time of post)
Publisher & Date: Polished Pen Press [2nd edition]. November 15, 2013
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

. 4
Price I Paid: $0 (got it FREE on October 11, 2012)
My Rating: 

My Thoughts: Vampire Twist on Childhood Classic Snow White
"Lips red as rubies, hair dark as night. Drink your true love's blood, become the Vampire, Snow White." Intrigued? Good, cause this is a 4 part intro into the series of Blood and Snow is all about Snow White with a modern vampire twist. So if you're okay with a little paranormal twist on your childhood classic princess story, then take a chance on this tale.
Poor Snow White bestowed with the name that hails ridicule from her peers, that and not gifted with a natural sense of grace, she simply put, is the typical awkward nobody teenage girl content to live in the shadow of her friends. However Snow's friends are loyal and bring her out of her shy shell. Snow has an amazing best friend Cindy who is all but the popular girl, who tries to make Snow more confidant in her self, and last but not least she has 7 amazing guy friends, all boyfriend worthy in my humble opinion. Snow's father is rich and her step mom is a . . . .well you know, it rhymes with witch. But in this set of stories you learn about what makes this Snow so enchanting, different and not at all a princess. Nope, this girl is set on a different path and her friends are there to help her to hopeful break a curse that could be deadly not only to Snow, her possible love interest, the world and other races. Confused then read these books and you'll understand and most likely hooked.
Overall I really love this series. Seriously I have like twenty copies of this collection, the author RaShelle Workman released the "book" in 12 parts, or episodes, but since it's been out for over two years now, I personally suggest buying the "Blood and Snow: Ultimate Omnibus Collection, Season One."(Link Here) That collection has all 12 episodes in one set, plus several short story's about lead character favorites. Of course if you just love Snow you could stick with just her story in "Blood and Snow 1-12: Season One", Click Here, but then again Workman makes it easy to get caught up into all her character's worlds. So take a chance on this Snow White tale and if you love it like I did invest in the rest it's definitely worth the price and time.
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