Genre: Short Read, SciFi & Fantasy. 33 pages
Price: $0 FREE (at time of post)
Publisher & Date: Wenona Hulsey. July 7, 2011
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

Price I Paid: $0 (had been FREE on June 16, 2012)
My Rating:

My Thoughts: Warning This is A Prequel or Novelette Not A Whole Book
So big heads up this is not a book it's a short novella prequel for the Blood Awakening Series. When I first downloaded this short story a couple years ago it was just listed as a book, so reading it now and getting through the story only to find it end so abruptly was a downer.
The story is about Nicole Keenan and her crazy weekend in Panama City, Florida with her BFF, Kat. Nicole just wants to get away and let loose. Drinks, rest and party is on her menu while Katy wants men on the menu too, but Nicole is more into relationships than one night stands. It's after possibly connecting with a new guy on her vacation that things go weird for Nicole. There is a strange dark mysterious man who makes her ill at ease and things don't go right the next time she see him again.
Overall I was really into the story and got involved in the "book", so I was disappointed to find I basically read a book teaser. Not gonna lie will probably checkout the next or first book in the series titled Burden of Blood (Click Here), but from the synopsis idk if it sounds like it flows from this book. In the end, I'm still half and half on whether this short is worth a read, but it's not long and hey it is free, so you decide.
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