Genre: Y.A. SciFi, &Fantasy, Dystopian, and Post-Apocalyptic. 382 pages
Price: $0.99 ebook, $12.59 paperback (at time of post)
Publisher & Date: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. June 24, 2013
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

Price I Paid: $0.99 on July 15, 2013
My Rating: 

My Thoughts: Emotional and Psychological Roller Coaster
OH MY FREAK'IN GOSH!! Seriously this book! I remember like it was yesterday. I had read through this book like a freaking maniac and was speechless by the time I was done. There were times I would just get up and walk away from my kindle to go for a little walk. I mean I've read books from the Dystopian genre before, and will probably continue to do so as they are a dime a dozen, but Tara Brown, or A.E. Watson for her Y.A. pen name, is just crazy good at drawing you into the book's world and the character's emotions that you really get lost when reading.
Imaginations is about a world where the people live without yesterdays. They live by repetition so that habits form routine and guid their life since they have not memories. The people are reset every night so that there is peace in the world, which the society see as a Utopia. Now as a history major and enthusiast since forever you could see how this world creeps the heck out of me. However the reader is shown quickly that all may not be as squeaky clean in the world as the society would believe. Gwyn is the character whom the reader is shown the world through, she is naive and thinks the world is as it should be and that the last city of men is good, but she meets a boy and has a . . . memory! Oh the horror! Things go cray cray from there and it's a great mess that you just have to read to understand.
Overall I seriously can't help but not recommend this book and it's sequel Duplicities(Click Here) enough to my friends. I love Tara Brown and all her books, but her YA. persona are a thing of wonder. Her YA.books are clean but sooo edgy that you are always enraptured and emotionally raw after reading her books one can't help but share about her books, if only to make someone else feel like you do so you can commiserate together. Take my huge fan advice and try out her books, the prices are great and you won't be disappointed and if you are then . . . my bad. But seriously if you want Dystopian, love triangle mess with adventure, face paced confusion thriller and "OMG! That did not just happen!?!" moments this will be your book.
Imaginations is about a world where the people live without yesterdays. They live by repetition so that habits form routine and guid their life since they have not memories. The people are reset every night so that there is peace in the world, which the society see as a Utopia. Now as a history major and enthusiast since forever you could see how this world creeps the heck out of me. However the reader is shown quickly that all may not be as squeaky clean in the world as the society would believe. Gwyn is the character whom the reader is shown the world through, she is naive and thinks the world is as it should be and that the last city of men is good, but she meets a boy and has a . . . memory! Oh the horror! Things go cray cray from there and it's a great mess that you just have to read to understand.
Overall I seriously can't help but not recommend this book and it's sequel Duplicities(Click Here) enough to my friends. I love Tara Brown and all her books, but her YA. persona are a thing of wonder. Her YA.books are clean but sooo edgy that you are always enraptured and emotionally raw after reading her books one can't help but share about her books, if only to make someone else feel like you do so you can commiserate together. Take my huge fan advice and try out her books, the prices are great and you won't be disappointed and if you are then . . . my bad. But seriously if you want Dystopian, love triangle mess with adventure, face paced confusion thriller and "OMG! That did not just happen!?!" moments this will be your book.
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