Genre: Romantic Comedy, Adult, Contemporary. 268 pages.
Price: $3.99 ebook (at time of post)
Publisher & Date: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. August 23, 2017.
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating:

. 6
Price I Paid: Zip,** I received a free copy **
My Thoughts: Oh, A Very Sexy Vacay Indeed!This story is a wicked dream come true, having a hot man's undivided attention for a week on your stress free island vacation. *fanning self, I'd say sign me up in a freakin heart beat!! The main characters are so cute in their obliviousness to how fast they fall its wonderful; Especially when one decides love is more important than anything.
While visiting the tropical island of Bermuda, Jackson Collins, found himself immediately captivated by a woman in the lobby. So when he has finds they are adjoining suite neighbors, Jackson knows it's pure fate and takes the first chance he gets to make an impression on his mysterious blonde neighbor. However, when Jackson finally approaches the woman, she surprises him by proposing a no truth policy for their time together and offers her name as Jade. Jackson has a choice to say to week of no promises or walk away, but not really a decision. The questions will be can they last the week without revealing one truth, their real feelings for each other?
Overall, good summertime fun-time steamy read. If it wasn't a fictional story I would believe this book to be real proof of soulmates. Jade and Jackson or *cough, Story and Jay (read and you'll see), come from different countries but similar backgrounds, lending to the match made in heaven. Jackson is pure literary yumminess! Heidi authored the perfect British man, who was smart, sexy, and loyal. Ugh not even fair how basically perfect the guy is. Anyways, so if you feel the need to escape to a sexy vacation where the guy and girl decide to a pact of no truths and all play, then this will be a good book to grab.
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