(Omega Beginnings Miniseries Book 5)
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, SciFi, Dystopian, Greek Myths & Legends.
Price: $0 FREE (at time of post)
Published Date: June 12, 2015.
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

. 8
Price I Paid: $0 (got it FREE on June 25, 2015)
My Rating: 

My Thoughts: Born Too Rich To Be Poor
Having grown up in wealth all her life, Theodocia turned to the gods to become an initiate choosing to forsake things of the world. Material gain like power, money and status were never ambitions she sought in life. So when Theodocia is picked by the goddess Artemis to be the next High Priestess to take care of the young princess Phoibe, she is scared but ready. Only problem she has two secrets and one is named Niko. The two have a relationship that shouldn't work but their chemistry is undeniable, Theodocia wishes Niko would understand her calling as much as she understands his need to become an Olympian.
Overall, wow hot couple alert. This story was a bit steamier than the others because Theodocia and Niko are just hot for each other. I'm just sad their lives seem to be going in two different directions. Theodocia is a strong female and I'm excited to see how she'll cope with the politics involving her new position as High Priestess and taking care of Phoibe.
Overall, wow hot couple alert. This story was a bit steamier than the others because Theodocia and Niko are just hot for each other. I'm just sad their lives seem to be going in two different directions. Theodocia is a strong female and I'm excited to see how she'll cope with the politics involving her new position as High Priestess and taking care of Phoibe.
(Omega Beginnings Miniseries Book 6)
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, SciFi, Dystopian, Greek Myths & Legends.
Price: $0 FREE (at time of post)
Published Date: June 12, 2015.
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

. 7
Price I Paid: $0 (got it FREE on August 13, 2015)
My Rating: 

My Thoughts: Troubled Past Leads To Destructive Present.
Without Theodocia in his life, Niko has nothing else to focus on but his goal to become a sponsored Olympian. Being recruited as the youngest fighter in the Gladiator guild, he is undoubtably a fierce warrior but it's his emotions that are now in turmoil. Niko has never had an easy life coming from a turbulent, dangerous and chilling childhood where each day was a fight to survive. So when Niko found the arena, he realized it was the one place to let out his rage with no remorse. The only catch to his complete dream is Niko's new benefactor, Cleon, has a job for him, which may lead him down a new plan that could end any chances with Theodocia.
Overall, another great backstory. Niko is a torchered soul; his need for power and money all stems from his haunting childhood. It's dark a dark short story and Niko's past keeps him from believing in a hopeful future. I really hope he doesn't do too many dark deeds that end up keeping him away from Theodocia and his child, but I'll just have to wait to read and see.
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