(Omega Beginnings Miniseries Book 7)
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, SciFi, Dystopian, Greek Myths & Legends.
Price: $0 FREE (at time of post)
Published Date: July 20, 2015.
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

. 7
Price I Paid: $0 (got it FREE on August 4, 2015)
My Rating: 

My Thoughts: The Power Hungry Politician
Having been subjected to years of abuse and mistrust under the strict rule of his father the Vice Magistrate, Cleon finally accomplished his plan of sending an assassin to eliminate his father. Cleon believed the prophecy he received from the Oracle that he will rise to power after he was free from his father. However, the situation proves to be unclear after Cleon learns information after the announcement of his fathers death. Cleon finds he has more enemies and obstacle in his way to political power. Now Cleon has to make more plans before making him move again if he is to become the man like his tyrant father was, which includes letting go of the one man he thought a friend.
Overall, great read. The plot thickens and thickens! Cleon is clearly the evil plotting politician, but it's father that made him that way, though that's no excuse. Knowing how dark the politics of the Omega world is really helps set the tone for the series. Knowing how Cleon thinks and has to plot using Niko and his Olympian Herkales makes me nervous in a good way, like I said the plot thickens.
(Omega Beginnings Miniseries Book 8)
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, SciFi, Dystopian, Greek Myths & Legends.
Price: $0 FREE (at time of post)
Published Date: August 10, 2015.
Book Link: Click Here
Listed Rating: 

. 8
Price I Paid: $0 (got it FREE on August 20, 2015)
My Rating: 

My Thoughts: From Champion to Protector
Herald as the people's champion, Herakles had all the fame any man could desire. It's not until he is sent on a government mission to retrieve a special package that his life is forever changed. Herakles was made into the champion by his benefactor Cleon when he was bought as a child and surgically altered into the man he is now. Having no memories of his past or emotions thanks to Cleon's grooming process, Herakles can't help but feel overwhelmed after being awakened by little Alessandra. Herakles had been sent to grab Alessandra, but is now conflicted and self aware. One thing Herakle's awakening has shown him is his true purpose in life is no longer taking order or seeking fame, but it's protecting the worlds most precious secret Alessandra.
Overall, soo emotional! Herakles is supposed to be this hardened man, yet he's brought to his knees by a simple touch. Alessandra needs a protector and who better than the kindred soul like Herakles. His past and demons will always haunt him but Alessandra is so good for him. I can't wait to see how they play out in the series. Especially with the whole role Herakles played in Alessandra's parents deaths, I'm sure that'll be a breaking a point for them. But I'll just have to read and see.
Overall, soo emotional! Herakles is supposed to be this hardened man, yet he's brought to his knees by a simple touch. Alessandra needs a protector and who better than the kindred soul like Herakles. His past and demons will always haunt him but Alessandra is so good for him. I can't wait to see how they play out in the series. Especially with the whole role Herakles played in Alessandra's parents deaths, I'm sure that'll be a breaking a point for them. But I'll just have to read and see.
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